
Call for papers: ASAA/NZ 2023 Conference "Engaging Anthropology"

The University of Otago’s Social Anthropology programme is pleased to announce the ‘Call For Papers’ for the 2023 ASAA/NZ Conference, which is being held in Dunedin on 22nd - 24th November, with the theme of ‘Engaging Anthropology’. Abstracts are due by Friday 14 July and the organisers will aim to confirm acceptance of papers in early August.

Announcing the 2023 ASAA/NZ conference "Engaging Anthropology"

The University of Otago’s Social Anthropology programme are delighted to be hosting the annual ASAA/NZ Conference, on 22nd-24th November, 2023. We are excited to announce this year’s conference theme as ENGAGING ANTHROPOLOGY, and to provide the following provocations (with a formal call for papers to follow in May).

Call for Papers: ASAA/NZ 2022 Annual Conference

We are pleased to announce that the 44th ASAA/NZ Annual Conference will take place from the 14th to 16th of November at Te Herenga Waka Victoria University of Wellington.

We would like to acknowledge the energy, time, and effort that was put into last year’s conference which sadly had to be cancelled. Therefore, building on last year’s theme of “Emergency” and in light of our (re)emergence from lockdown into an ongoing pandemic, we are proposing “Emergenc(i)es” as the theme for this year’s ASAA/NZ conference.

Abstracts of no more than 200 words are due by 10 June 2022. Please see our Conference page for more information.